Building Agile Organizations
Building Agile Organizations
Solutions Customized for Culture, Exigency and Business Readiness

Our Name

Brightline:  The company name is derived from a term generally used in law, bright-line rule.  A bright-line rule is composed of objective factors, which leaves little or no room for varying interpretation.  The purpose of a bright-line rule is to produce predictable and consistent results in its application.

Within the work environment, certain rules and standards of behavior will produce predictable and consistent results, regardless of organization, size, sector or country.  Executives, aware of the rules being communicated through their actions, not just their words, will have far fewer surprises.

Building Agile Organizations

"Agile:  Able to change rapidly and accurately without losing balance"

Success is often determined by how quickly a business gets back on track after something goes sideways.  This ability can be developed and enhanced particularly during periods of high stress.

Solutions Customized for Culture, Exigency and Business Readiness 

"Culture trumps strategy every time."

No size fits all.  Therefore, we work closely with our clients to not only understand company strategy and business plan, but also company and location culture, time pressure and change readiness.